Professional development Plan

From the spotlight review I find I have at least 5 strengths in workplace which are:

Flexibility: This is the ability to transition between tasks and learn new duties, I can easily transition between this two parts, I can fast lean and adapt quickly to new work conditions.

Teamwork:  I can be working well with other team members.

Ambitious:  Sometimes I am willing to go the extra mile whether to achieve company goals or make their way up the corporate ladder.

Reliable: I am Willing to take responsibility。

Make decisions: I can make decisions quick and right. 

Depends on Spotlight test, to be more excellent, I should do those points below:
be patient, listen and explain your thinking. Encourage others to contribute 
learn to challenge and defend your position. Don't be afraid to disagree openly 
consult more and consider others before going your own way. Be willing to bend 
acknowledge others' ideas and say that you will give them some thought 
acknowledge others skills. Connect with people who are important to your work 
encourage people to share and discuss. Push to make sure all alternatives are covered 
think more broadly and strategically. Take a more people focused approach 
be aware of the support others need, especially when you are busy yourself 
Rely on your own observations, even if they are counter to the opinions of others 
when feeling anxious check with others to establish a sense of proportion 
maintain a sense of proportion and remember past achievements. Try to be more objective 

Workplace is a complex place, me as a worker the first job is doing my duties well, to achieve this I need to find my drawback first and then make some change. I know people hard to make some changes, but I think I can do this and can make things happen because I am a part of solution not a part of problem. 


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