Navitas WHS

Navitas Work Health & Safety (WHS)

Navitas has an array of policies to protect employees and students against harm to their health, safety and welfare, providing for fair and effective workplace representation, promoting the provision of advice, information and so on. The main policy is as following:
  1. Navitas is committed to providing a work environment and systems of work which comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations governing health and safety. It is the intention of Navitas to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, that all employees, students, contractors and visitors are safe from injury and risks to health while at the workplace and/or while undertaking work-related activities.
  2. Navitas is also committed to injury management aimed at the early, safe and sustained return to work of injured employees.
  3. Navitas will meet these commitments by regularly consulting with employees and their representatives, and suppliers of equipment and services. Further, Navitas will ensure that responsibilities are appropriately defined and that employees receive the information, training, resources and supervision they require, to competently carry out their responsibilities.
  4. This will be facilitated by the ongoing implementation and continual improvement of Navitas WHS management systems developed in consultation with the Navitas community and integrated into all Navitas activities.
  5. Navitas will take all reasonable care to implement and maintain safe systems of work; undertake risk management activities to identify, eliminate and/or manage risks in the work place; Page 2 of 6 GHR-04-04PPolicy – Work Health & Safety (WHS) (AUS) provide and maintain safe systems for the use, handling, storage and transportation of plant, equipment and hazardous substances; consult with employees to enhance the effectiveness of this Policy. Provide appropriate WHS training, information, instruction and supervision for all employees and students; provide adequate resources, including finances, to facilitate the company’s WHS responsibilities; comply with WHS Legislation, Regulations and relevant Australian Standards.
  6. Navitas will commit the resources required to enable Navitas corporate and Divisions to implement this Policy in order to achieve the WHS statutory and regulatory obligations.
And also Navitas identified a lot of responsibilities for employees, students and staffs, the majority responsibilities are as following:

  1.  Members of the GLT, Heads of Divisions, Directors and Managers and other. Supervisors in charge of “places of work” will drive the Navitas WHS policy into the workplaces for which they are responsible. They will ensure that the workplace, its plant and equipment are maintained in a condition that effectively controls health and safety risks. They will also ensure that employees, students and visitors are provided with the adequate information, instruction, supervision and training required to promote a healthy and safe environment.
  2.  In particular, Heads of Business Units are responsible for ensuring that their area of responsibility complies with relevant WHS legislation, regulations and standards and their work area(s) are without risk to health and safety of employees and students; safe systems of work are implemented and used; appropriate resources are made available to meet the Company’s WHS responsibilities;
  3. WHS issues are addressed as they arise; all hazards and incidents are reported in accordance with legislative requirements and that corrective actions are implemented in a timely manner all employees, contractors and visitors are aware of this policy and procedure and their responsibilities defined herein, and adhere to all safe work procedures; WHS consultative & communication mechanisms are established as required; and all employees have undertaken the required WHS induction training as required.
  4.  Employees are responsible for adhering to all WHS policies and procedures and cooperating with their supervisors in the implementation of the Navitas WHS Management Systems and in other WHS matters in general; ensuring that their work area is without risk to the health and safety of themselves and others; completing their work in the safest manner possible and performing their activities in a manner that does not risk harm to themselves or others; promptly reporting to their supervisor any workplace accidents, incidents and/or hazards; and completing all training in WHS as required.
  5.  Employees with specific teaching responsibilities must ensure that WHS is also incorporated into their teaching activities. This includes such activities as undertaking risk assessments on all field trips and excursions prior to commencement of these activities; ensuring their work area(s) are without risk to health and safety of students; ensuring that students are provided with and adhere to all WHS policies & safe work procedures; and ensuring that all hazards and incidents are reported in accordance with legislative requirements and that corrective actions are implemented in a timely manner.
  6. Employee involvement directed at the improvement of Navitas WHS Management. Systems or other matters relating to health and safety in general is strongly encouraged.
  7. Students are responsible for following directions from their teachers on WHS issues, working in as safe a manner as possible; complying with company WHS policy & procedures and reporting any hazards, risks or incidents as they are identified.
  8.  Contractors while at Navitas will comply with all applicable legislation and regulatory requirements and with the Navitas WHS policies and procedures; and are responsible for taking reasonable care whilst on Navitas property and cooperating with actions taken to protect, the health and safety of themselves and others.
  9. Visitors are required to comply with all Navitas policies while at Navitas and should report all accidents and incidents to the relevant employee contact or manager, Security or Property as soon as possible; and in the event of an emergency must follow the emergency evacuation procedures.
  10. The Group General Manager, Human Resources is accountable for the ongoing development, approval, implementation, awareness and effectiveness of this Policy and the supporting processes and documentation and for ensuring that all relevant managers are made aware of this policy and procedure.


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