
Showing posts from 2017
Meeting Etiquette Adherence to the proper etiquette for a business meeting establishes respect among meeting participants, helps the meeting begin and end on time, and fosters an atmosphere of cooperation. A lack of etiquette and poor planning are two of the main reasons why many business meetings fail, according to business expert Lyndsay Swinton. Teach your employees business meeting etiquette to ensure that your business's meetings are effective. Arrival Arrive to the location of the business meeting at least 15 minutes early. This allows you to find a seat and get situated before the meeting starts. Agenda The chairperson of the meeting should circulate a meeting agenda to each participant at least one week in advance. Participants should call the chairperson to express any concerns about the agenda at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The chairperson and concerned participant will then have time to determine if changes need to be made. The agenda shoul
Professional development Plan From the spotlight review I find I have at least 5 strengths in workplace which are: Flexibility: This is the ability to transition between tasks and learn new duties, I can easily transition between this two parts, I can fast lean and adapt quickly to new work conditions. Teamwork:  I can be working well with other team members. Ambitious:  Sometimes I am willing to go the extra mile whether to achieve company goals or make their way up the corporate ladder. Reliable: I am Willing to take responsibility。 Make decisions: I can make decisions quick and right.  Depends on Spotlight test, to be more excellent, I should do those points below: • be patient, listen and explain your thinking. Encourage others to contribute  • learn to challenge and defend your position. Don't be afraid to disagree openly  • consult more and consider others before going your own way. Be willing to bend  • acknowledge others

Navitas WHS

Navitas Work Health & Safety (WHS) Navitas has an array of policies to protect employees and students against harm to their health, safety and welfare, providing for fair and effective workplace representation, promoting the provision of advice, information and so on. The main policy is as following: Navitas is committed to providing a work environment and systems of work which comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations governing health and safety. It is the intention of Navitas to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, that all employees, students, contractors and visitors are safe from injury and risks to health while at the workplace and/or while undertaking work-related activities. Navitas is also committed to injury management aimed at the early, safe and sustained return to work of injured employees. Navitas will meet these commitments by regularly consulting with employees and their representatives, and suppliers of equipment and services. Further, Navitas wi